For the second year, the Hrant Dink Foundation is asking amateur and professional filmmakers to upload short films on ‘conscience.’ The Hürriyet Daily News talked to Films about Conscience project coordinator Dença Kartun about the project’s message
What is it like to be a lonely woman walking on a roadside, or to be a physically challenged person on a “normal” street? What is it like to be a little boy watching his father’s hand rise to strike a blow? What is it like to be a young girl who dares to wear a headscarf in high school? To be a woman imprisoned in her own home, trying to survive perpetual violence? To be homosexual or transsexual in a world that imprisons sex and sexuality in sealed boxes?
These are some of the questions raised by Films About Conscience, a short film project being organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation for a second year that asks anyone with a camera to “take a look at the world through our conscience.”
Click here for full article (Hürriyet Daily News)
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